Monday, April 20, 2015

Misery Loves its Company but Joy Does Also

I have this incredible friend. Lets call her P Southard. This girl is the epitome of Joy. She never talks poorly about others and speak life into every situation she finds herself in. Our evening last night started at 5:30pm in a church and ended at 3:00am in a celebration dance for an accomplishment that I believe deserved much more than just a dance. And I can not say that this story and series of events is rare for us because it is not. When we talk about how beautiful and mysterious God is, He usually shows up and rocks our worlds. So last night P Southard and I decided to delete all of our social media applications and delete our accounts. We figured out that 1 hour of social media per day is equal to 15 days a year and 2 Hours a day is equivalent to a month! That is precious time that I am not spending with the Lord or the people right in front of me because I am choosing to live through the lives of people that I barely know. NOT ANYMORE!

I used to wonder how people had the time to watch TV and movies all of the time. But I realized the time most people spent watching TV was the amount of time I was spending on social media. The first question I have been asked by most is can't you just have self control? Cant you just have an account with close friends and family and that be it? Believe me people, I have tried everything. You know how a recovering alcoholic doesn't just have a glass or two here and there? I cannot do life with social media without abusing it. This is sad but it is the reality of my world. And I truly believe that it is the same for the majority of people I know. Social media, like alcohol is not a sin and not an idol but I have made it one. I have shared stories with people about myself and experiences that I have had that sounded and looked much more exciting than they actually were. I also had a ugly case of FOMO (fear of missing out) when I would see people doing fun things and desperately wishing I was there. NOT ANYMORE!

I say all of this to tell you something that is more important than my social media testimony. The reality is that joy truly does love its company. P Southard has shown me that exactly. She has shown me the love of Christ through her excitement for adventure and life, her love for people and the city we live in and the way she encourages the people around her. She is always present and has a deep desire to live out her calling in life regardless of what that looks like and how many earthly things she has to give up to gain a more fruitful award. So whatever you are struggling with, having accountability is key and a celebration dance when you are going through it is absolutely necessary.